about you

᯽ site title is the nav bar around the page
᯽ social media buttons below
᯽ more site pages on the right.
᯽ use my code truffle if you're upgrading or renewing your carrd plan
᯽ get this template through ko-fi or carrd
᯽ please do not remove or move creator credits
᯽ let me know what kind of carrd template you'd like to see from me here!

nice to meet you!

۞ name: name.
۞ alias: alias.
۞ pronouns: pronouns.
۞ astro signs: rising, sun, moon.
۞ other: other

likes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Phasellus fermentum malesuada phasellus netus dictum aenean placerat egestas amet.

dislikes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Proin tortor purus platea sit eu id nisi litora libero.
at the moment
watching: this show. this show, this show.
playing: this game, this game, this game.
reading: this webtoon, this manga, this story.
ear worm: this song, this song, this song.

template by harmlesslynapping

favourite characters
character name, because bla bla bla. if you want to do a line break here, use "\ n" instead of enter (which you'll see in this text box when editing).

be sure to make use of markups like bold or italics or underline to make your text look more interesting.
favourite stories
story name, because bla bla bla. just make sure both sides have the same height when you're done typing so they look equal overall! story name 2, because bla bla bla. you can change the favourites to other stuff - they don't even have to be favourites. just write what you want.
favourite shows
show name, because bla bla bla. you can also use other markups like code or highlight to make certain texts stand out more.

or if you're more adventurous, you can use coloured text or colour hex codes to jazz things up as well.
favourite bands
band name, because bla bla bla, they're on youtube as well, so you should check them out.
band name 2, because bla bla bla bla blabla bla, i found them on spotify.
band name 3, because bla bla bla, i need to get like their merch because i love them so much.
⌠ Eiden ⌡
twitter | tumblr
⌠ Meili ⌡
twitter | youtube | spotify
⌠ Andy ⌡
instagram | twitter
⌠ Ashe ⌡
instagram | twitter | carrd
⌠ Robin ⌡
twitter | carrd
⌠ friend ⌡
twitter | tiktok | reddit